About Us
A little something to introduce us ba-ba-SpaceSheep.

Main Purpose
Expand the World's Perspective
These 4 words, is everything SpaceSheep is working towards. People look at things everyday, seeing just the surface, the appearance. But even with the same things, same old daily routine, as soon as you discover a new angle, a new perspective to view on it, it becomes something entirely different! And you will never look at it the same ever again.
This is what SpaceSheep is trying to do, to encourage everyone to unlock all the different perspectives on the things they see. Because ultimately, this is what makes creativity. And this is what makes life interesting.
Main Purpose
Director Message
My main purpose of building this company, Spacesheep Studio, is to gather the like-minded, talented people, to achieve our similar dreams together. Whether it's in our creative work, or in each of our lives, we will always do our best to improve, and make all aspects better and more enjoyable. To inspire the world around us. To let everyone see, how fun can the world truly be!